Monday, March 26, 2012


This is a photo of my baby cousin and older cousin. The photo was shot in a room that was not too bright and the camera was set to shoot with a slow shutter speed in order to make my little cousin appear as a ghost. I also edited the photo using Photoshop to make my little cousin look even more ghostly! The photo would of came out better if I would have used a camera with more megapixels.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


This panning photo is of myself outside wearing a Hugh Hefner mask. In order to have this successful panning image, I spun in a circle and snapped the photo so the camera focused on me and made the background blurry.

This is another panning photo of myself in my house with low lighting conditions. I also used the flash in this panning photo unlike the previous one.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Painting With Light

This photo was made using two laser lights and a small flash light with an orange filter transparency paper to change the color of the light. I also used a very slow shutter speed and evidently, the photo was shot in a completely dark room.